Daily Yinz – Fuzznaut – Spacerock

Guitar warlock Fuzznaut’s windblasted new single.

On the seven-minute instrumental “Spacerock,” guitar notes echo with a barren resonance that suggests strange tumbleweeds blowing across a lonely Martian plain. The guitar’s tone is weathered for the most part, like it’s been abraded by a dust storm’s vicious red gusts, but there are points at which drop-tuned power chords force their way into the mix, coated in layers of crisp distortion; recurring earthquakes (Mars-quakes?) that rumble the landscape that Fuzznaut has meticulously and evocatively constructed. Reminds me a bit of Neil Young’s rambling, freewheeling soundtrack for Jim Jarmusch’s psychedelic western Dead Man, if that movie took place in the depths of space as opposed to the depths of the California wilderness.

Artwork by Fuzznaut

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