Daily Yinz – hiroto kei – Ghost of the Show

hiroto kei’s debut EP is the melancholy Hiro is Ok.

You could imagine an EP called Hiro is Ok containing mellow poolside fare meant to be consumed along with a lime-wedged beer, but taken in the context of the wounded, autumnal music featured on hiroto kei’s debut, the title comes across as a hard-won sigh–not of relief, exactly, but at least a pause and a long exhale. Lead single “Ghost of the Show” rides crisp drums and trickling guitars through the dusty clutter of hiroto’s mind, flashing past ruminatively sung images of cold winters, empty pockets, rain caught on the tongue, summer paranoia, peeling paint, ghosts hiding underneath skin. At various points, backing vocals come in and float in haunting layers, like a chorus of spirits trapped in the attic of a house where they used to live, whispering while they peer down at the current inhabitant’s unsettled psyche.

Check out more from hiroto kei and follow on Instagram

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