Weekly Wrap-Up 05.17.24

A few words about a few local tracks that hit the spot this week


Pen Lordz – Never Enough

Arsinel and Fam Ross divide and conquer over a piano-led boom-bap instrumental (courtesy of Bordeaux, France’s Kheyzine). Watch out for the punch lines; they might give you a black eye.

More from Arsinel and follow on Instagram

More from Fam Ross and follow on Instagram

Video by Hippy Swizzy


Telestialvision – MDMA and the Rogue Wave

Dittocrush‘s Trever Darling pairs with NYC artist Brinton Jones to create space transmission drones using tape loops and aurora-boreal guitars.

Follow Trever Darling on Instagram

Follow Brinton Jones on Instagram



Sharkgrind. Each chord a gnash from a jagged tooth. A solo writhes and shrills like a doomed seal. Probably not inspired by Finding Nemo.

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