Daily Yinz – Edhochuli – Questionably Paleo, Incontrovertibly Neanderthal

The Paleolithic first single from Higherlander, the hardcore band’s first album in nine years.

Retired NFL referee (and current attorney) Ed Hochuli developed a cult following among football fans for several reasons, most notably the physique that earned him the nickname “Hochules.” Where Ed Hochuli the ref displayed muscular arms while gesticulating during calls, “Questionably Paleo, Incontrovertibly Neanderthal” finds edhochuli the band flexing muscular guitar riffs that ride atop roiling, swashbuckling drums. The similarities don’t stop there; referee Ed Hochuli was known to keep composure while explaining lengthy and obscure sections of the NFL rule book to thousands of booing fans, and band edhochuli exerts tight control over their rampaging musical beast as it roams through a diversity of musical pastures. The vocals are different, though. The ref’s were folksy, midcentury, crackling pleasantly with headset static; the band’s are belching roars yanked torturously from the throat. Long live both Ed Hochuli and edhochuli.

Check out more from Edhochuli and follow on Instagram and Facebook

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