Daily Yinz – Ricki Weidenhof – Raptured in Formal Violence

The first single from Church, due out June 21st on We Be Friends.

In the liner notes to Church, Weidenhof describes the childhood experience of attending Catholic mass in the following way: “…hundreds of people would all attempt to sing the same melody microtones off from one another at varying tempos with monstrous organ sound filling the space.” Makes for a pretty dramatic and unsettling sonic landscape, one that Weidenhof uses as a base camp for their own musical expeditions. “Raptured in Formal Violence” traverses an eclectic swath of terrain over the course of six minutes. Towering, exalted strings moan like a damned choir before giving away to a martial electronic beat that ushers in a strange bubble of disembodied voices, crinkling static, and pulsating tones. Things eventually coalesce into a hallucinatory, insectile dance rhythm accompanied by cryptic spoken vocals from guest Mel Andrews. Things fade out with more doom-laden strings and what sounds like a ringing cellphone being dropped into a wormhole. The piece is almost as weird as the concept of transubstantiation, but not quite.

Check out more from Ricki Weidenhof and follow on Instagram

Artwork by _mesyeuxx_

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