Daily Yinz – James the Seventh – Invisible Ink

James the Seventh’s latest is the booming “Invisible Ink.”

Words are funny things. Tiny language elements created by joined units of meaning that are in turn created by puffs of air being modulated by lungs, vocal folds, tongue, lips. Breath sculpted by organic matter–a simple phenomenon that can alter the course of lives in mere seconds. “Invisible Ink” finds James the Seventh confronting this specific paradox of language: that it can be almost impossible to form certain words even when their formation would cost minimal physical effort. The exertion is in the meaning. Over thunderous drums and chugging power chords, James struggles to communicate her true feelings, belting, “I’ll let you know with invisible ink / I won’t sing you another song, I’ll just lip sync.” Her voice conveys the indecisiveness and insecurity mentioned in the lyrics as it switches back and forth between a faded murmur and a whooping falsetto. It’s a testament to the torture inflicted by unspoken words.

Check out more from James the Seventh and follow on Instagram and Facebook

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