Digital tinkerer FLOOR BABA unveils a collection of B-sides from 2022’s PREHISTORY.

You’re walking on a sunbaked sidewalk when suddenly you see a black line snaking across the concrete up ahead. Upon approach you realize that it’s a column of ants marching in a pointilist rivulet. You always thought ants went about their business quietly. Think again. These ants’ movements are generating sound. The hyperactive stagger of each ant’s stride gives off a blip of melody; the blips combine to form a blanket of sound that strobes the muggy air. You arrive at the ant column and step across. The second your front foot hovers, it’s like somebody has flicked a switch. The world appears in fractals. Many columns of many ants wiggle in all corners of your vision. There are bright colors. The refraction of the ants adds layers to the existing sound: convulsive rhythms, electronic doodles, garbled chirps. You open your mouth to say something and the same garbled chirp comes out. You’re an ant, and your ant voice has become a small part of FLOOR BABA’s “ANT PATTERNS (INDI & MULTI).”

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