Daily Yinz – Dejah Monea – Younger Me

Dejah Monea’s latest single is a serenade to a past version of herself.

The end of an old year brings reflection. What the fuck did I just spend the past 365 days doing? How do things stack up now versus twelve months ago? In the final weeks of 2023, R&B artist Dejah Monea pondered the question: What would I tell my younger self? She explores the answer over a slow-mo Dembow rhythm decorated with lapping guitar chords and lush keys, dialing up the past to provide succinct advice (“Attract, don’t chase/It’s not a race”) and assurances (“Skin be perfect/Hair be perfect”). Monea ultimately dedicates her music career to her childhood self, singing in the refrain, “Do this for younger me/It’s all that matters/That she is proud of me,” allowing her voice to flit and spiral like a feather carried on a breeze. Take a listen and think about what you’d tell your younger self.

Check out more from Dejah Monea and follow on Instagram

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